Just about anything could make your heart start to race or pound, or skip a beat. These sensations are known as heart palpitations, which are a once-in-a-blue-moon occurrence for most people, mostly caused by a harmless hiccup in the heart’s rhythm. According to the American Heart Association, when your heart “skips a beat”, it’s actually felt like an extra beat medically defined as a premature beat which are of two types- a premature atrial contraction in the top chamber of the heart and a premature ventricular contraction from the lower heart chamber. The good thing is most premature beats don’t necessarily mean there’s something wrong with the structure of your ticker. But you should consult with your doctor if the premature beats occur frequently or are accompanied with shortness of breath or chest pain- to rule out something serious. The heart skipping a beat can be the result of a number of factors, including: Excess Caffeine Consumption - Caffeine stimulates th...