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Stop Worrying to Get Away from Cardiac Arrest

Getting away from worries is not a simple thing in our life. Human life has always been tough but it has become tougher now because we are away from nature and we are more demanding to possess more and more things day after day. As people expect more than they deserve and more than they have the capability, frustration and anxiety comes up when requirements are not met. Any unrealistic human need gives birth of worries. Anxieties become persistent in one’s life when worries are not handled with hope, belief, and care.

Worries are the evils of life that not only steal your valuable time but also snatch your vitality and peace of mind. Recent surveys conducted by American Heart Association (AHA) have revealed the fact that 50% of sudden cardiac arrest incidents take place because of tensions cause by constant worries about anything. Whether any problem lies on the family side or profession side, or anything not mundane, one must realize that there are solutions to every problem. If we accept worries then we need to accept any of the solutions that come up. If we have a strong desire to get what we want then we must fight instead of worrying even a little. 

People who value time and value their dreams do not worry bur work only. They stay healthier than those who have a habit of worrying. Worries can cause damage to your physiology because body secretes some toxic chemicals, during the tension period, which can do potential damage to heart and brain health. If any sudden cardiac arrest takes place then applying successive chest compressions are required to save the patients from sudden death. You will find many cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) offering certified centers in Tampa. You will get a classroom which can help you learn in a relaxed environment where the trainers are mostly experienced doctors already having CPR certification. 

Heart health is vital to everybody’s life. But people completely ignore the same until they start suffering. There are several habits responsible behind sudden cardiac death. Apart from worries, less physical work, eating fatty foods, poor sleep, and undisciplined lifestyle are all responsible for making heart weaker and arteries narrower. Most sudden cardiac arrest events take place in electrical dysfunction in human heart. This is the reason why an AED along with CPR can better work in making the cardiac arrest patient survive till the medical support people come with emergency life support facilities. 

Those having CPR certification have the advantage to help their family members and friends in case of any cardiac arrest emergency.  You have to prompt enough to understand if it is a case of cardiac arrest, Check if heart has stopped beating and breathing is not happening. If all these answers are yes then just call 911 for emergency medical help and start CPR immediately. If you get an AED, chances of survival of the patients will be more. Remember, brain cells will start dying if they do not get oxygen within 4-6 minutes of cardiac arrest. 


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