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Reduce The Stress Of A Heart Condition Like Atrial Fibrillation, Heart Failure And HBP

A heart condition such as Atrial Fibrillation (AFib), heart failure (HF), high blood pressure (HBP), or even high cholesterol can be worrisome which could become a problem. It can be a vicious cycle as stress can further worsen your heart conditions. Hormones formed by your body in response to stress can play a role in causing inflammation in your arteries that could be life-threatening. In addition to that, stress also raises your risk for diabetes. Some people try to handle their anxiety in unhealthy ways, such as drinking too much, overeating, or smoking. Trying to prevent stress completely doesn’t usually work, instead find ways to deal with it when it happens.

The best way to handle out-of-hospital cardiac emergencies is by getting CPR trained in a certified training center, such as the AHA certified CPR Tampa in Palm Harbor. Courses for both healthcare and non-healthcare providers are offered. Learn more about an “ACLS class Palm Harbor”:

Advanced Cardiac Life Support Classes- This American Heart Association course is for anyone working in an emergency or a critical care type environment, such as paramedics, critical care nurses, surgeons, emergency department staff, etc. Become certified at the end of the training classes after successfully passing a skills test and written exam.
Ways to ease the stress of a heart condition includes

Exercise- You need to move your muscles as exercise is one of the best things you can do for your heart condition. Not only does it improve your physical health, but also improves your mood and cuts stress. You should aim for at least 30 minutes, 5 days a week of moderately intense activity. Take a brisk walk, swim, bike, or do just about anything that gets your heart going but it is important that you check with your doctor prior to starting a new workout routine if you have a heart condition.

Try Active Relaxation- Some good options include mindfulness, yoga, meditation, tai chi and deep breathing. They can be highly beneficial in lowering your stress.

Reach Out To Your Loved Ones- People you love are some of the best stress busters you have, so just reach out to them. Give yourself a break, share a good laugh and just have some fun.

Adequate Sleep- Cortisol is a stress hormone, lack of sleep seems to raise levels of this hormone. Aim for 7-9 hours of restful sleep at night.

Avoid Triggers- Avoid situations, and the people, that you know stress you out. It’s better that you spend time with those who help you feel calm and happy.

Help Others- When you are feeling worried and unwell, go out of your way to help others which can take your mind off your troubles and give you a refreshing lift.

Change Your Outlook- If you are feeling stressed out and sick, push yourself outside the norm to change your outlook. For example, take a foreign language class, listen to a different style of music, visit a museum, go to a restaurant you haven’t been to before, spend time outdoors, etc.

Ask For Help- It’s advisable that you talk with someone you're comfortable with, or consider seeing a therapist if you think your stress is getting in the way of your life. Voicing your concerns with a sympathetic ear can help you discover new ways to approach your problems.

For a CPR class at CPR Tampa in Palm Harbor, either register online or call on 727-240-9404 to sign up for a course. If you cannot find the class day/time that fits your schedule, check out our Tampa location- 5396 Primrose Lake Circle, Conference Room, Tampa, FL- 33647.


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