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Foods That May Cause Potential Damage To Your Ticker

 In order to keep your heart and cardiovascular system healthy for years to come, you must eat healthy. Heart disease claims one life every 37 seconds, making it the leading contributor to death in the USA. But there are ways you can avoid becoming a statistic and lower your heart disease and heart attack risk, and that starts with maintaining a healthy diet and steering clear of foods bad for the ticker. For example, foods that are high in sugar, salt, and saturated fat can ultimately be raising your risk for cardiovascular disease without you even realizing it, which means you must completely avoid these foods.

High blood pressure (HBP) and high (“bad” LDL) cholesterol are the leading heart disease risk factors. The best way to keep these parameters in check is by revamping your diet as best as you can, which means to cut out the bad foods and incorporating the healthy ones.

Heart disease is a major cause of death across the world with majority of patients getting this disease owing to an unhealthy (sedentary) lifestyle and irregular food habits. Unregulated food consumption that is not healthy to your heart may put it in harm’s way so, it’s best to keep away from certain foods, for example

Salt- Sodium intake in excess raises your BP thus raising your heart disease risk.

Soft drinks- Consumption of soft drinks in excess that contain sugar in abundance can lead to obesity, high levels of blood sugar (diabetes) and cardiovascular diseases.

Red meat- Carnitine is a compound that can clog the arteries, which red meat has. Not to mention the high amount of saturated fat it has that raises the risk of a heart attack.

Processed meat- Processed meat has nitrates that can get in the way of the body’s natural ability to produce sugar, which increases the risk of high blood pressure and obesity, which in turn may lead to a heart attack.

Deep-fried foods- Fried foods, like French fries, fried chicken and fried snacks, are high in trans fats, carbohydrates and sodium that are directly linked to clogging of the arteries.

Baked foods- Cakes, cookies and muffins are loaded with added sugar and hidden saturated fat that may lead to weight gain and raise your bad cholesterol respectively that can lead to heart disease.  

Examples of other foods you must avoid to keep your heart in good shape:

1.      Refined carbohydrates (bread, pizza and white rice)

2.      Butter

3.      Margarine

4.      Ice cream

5.      Instant noodles

6.      Alcohol

7.      Sugary cereals

8.      Cookies and pastries

9.      Diet soda

10.  Candy

11.  Deli meats

12.  Cheese

13.  Pizza

14.  Potato chips

15.  Coffee creamer

16.  Blended coffees

17.  Bacon & Sausage

18.  Frozen meals

19.  Cottage cheese

20.  Ketchup

21.  Restaurant soup

Are you thinking about turning towards a healthy life? Now is the time. It may seem tough to turn over a new leaf, but not impossible.

Sign up for a CPR class today at CPR Tampa in Palm Harbor. Contact us at 727-240-9404.


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