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Strategies to Quit Smoking for Heart Health and CPR Tampa Classes

It is heart disease which mainly causes the occurrence of a cardiac arrest. The best way to prevent such emergencies is by keeping heart disease at bay which again can be done be adopting measures to reduce the risk factors of heart disease. The primary risk factors are high cholesterol and high blood pressure. Another major risk factor is smoking.

The best way to deal with cardiac emergencies is through correct application of the valuable CPR procedures that comprise chest compressions and rescue breaths. It is only by going for a CPR class Tampa at an accredited training center that can enable you in performing the procedures efficiently on a victim in a real-life scenario. If you belong to the Tampa region in Florida, you can sign up for a program at the AHA accredited CPR Tampa which comprises some of the most experienced instructors. A student will be eligible for a certification at the end of a program after successfully passing a skills test and a written exam.

People who smoke or chain smokers find it really difficult to quit smoking. As per surveys conducted on current adult smokers, 70 percent say they want to quit. You just need to have the required determination to quit smoking.

A few of the strategies that can help include:
Become Determined to Quit- Try to get motivated if you want to quit smoking. Make a list of your reasons for wanting to quit. Find out what triggers you to smoke such as do you smoke after a meal, while driving, or when you're stressed- handle each trigger effectively.

Acquire Support- Set a quit date and make your loved ones aware so that they can support you and be by your side in this endeavor of yours.

Use Medicines Correctly- Consult your doctor and pharmacist about medicines and over-the-counter products that can help you quit smoking. These medicines and products are helpful for many people. You can also purchase nicotine gum, patches, and lozenges from a drug store.

Acquire New Skills- Replace smoking with new activities like instead of smoking, take a stroll in your neighborhood after a meal. Try to be physically active as much as possible. Keep your hands busy by taking up knitting, carpentry, or other hobbies. Avoid people who smoke. Don’t go to places where smoking is allowed. Remove cigarettes, ashtrays, and lighters from your home, office, and car. Try to avoid alcohol and caffeine as well along with this because people who drink are more likely to start smoking again after quitting.

Prepare to Face Withdrawal Challenges- Withdrawal symptoms often lessen after only 1 or 2 weeks of not smoking, and each urge to smoke lasts only a few minutes. Take effective steps to cope with withdrawal symptoms. Consult someone regarding this aspect.
Join a resuscitation program today and face cardiac emergencies efficiently.
At CPR Tampa, you can either register online or call on 727-240-9404 for registration. You can also sign up for an online CPR class conducted by AHA. Make sure to take a skills test at the end of a program as no cardiopulmonary resuscitation program is complete without the conduction of a skills test.


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