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Defibrillation and Cardioversion Difference and Tampa CPR Classes

The human heart has the unique property of generating its own rhythm of contraction. This rhythm originates in the sinoatrial node located in the atrium of the heart. The impulses generated in the sinoatrial node travel via the conductive tissue of the heart from the upper chambers to the lower chambers ultimately resulting in a well-orchestrated contraction of the atria followed by that of the ventricles. Atrial contraction causes the blood to flow from upper chambers to the lower chambers whereas ventricular contraction causes the blood to flow from the lower chambers to the aorta and then to the whole body. The heart beats at an average rate of 70-90 beats per minute in healthy individuals. But, the rhythm of the heart is disturbed in heart patients. The atria and the ventricles contract at different rates and in an unsynchronized fashion which can lead to cardiac arrest.

Cardiac arrest is a life-threatening medical emergency and a victim would require immediate treatment for survival with the most appropriate treatment being proper application of the CPR techniques. For a CPR class Tampa, make sure to select a certified training center such as the AHA certified CPR Tampa in Florida. AHA certified instructors conduct the classes. 

Cardioversion- This medical intervention is used to normalize an abnormal heart rate that occurs in atrial flutter, atrial fibrillation or ventricular tachycardia. It is of two types:

1.      Electrical cardioversion- it refers to administration of therapeutic dosage of electric current in a specific moment of the cardiac cycle. The timing is important to avoid ventricular tachycardia. 

2.      Pharmacological cardioversion- it involves the use of antiarrhythmic drugs to restore normal heart rate with some of the drugs being sodium channel blockers, beta blockers, potassium channel blockers or calcium channel blockers.

The process of defibrillation involves application of electric shocks to the chest of a cardiac arrest victim which can restore the life of the victim by normalizing his or her heart rhythm (provided the rhythm is shockable). Training in using the device is provided in the CPR classes itself, no separate class is required.

Defibrillation- This is an emergency resuscitative procedure in which therapeutic doses of high energy electrical shocks are given to patients to restore heart beat in cardiac arrest or pulseless ventricular tachycardia. They can be administered at any time in the cardiac cycle.
The process of defibrillation is mainly performed by a defibrillator device.
Types of Defibrillators include:

Automated External Defibrillators- These are generally found in public places like airports, bus station, railway stations, offices etc. and are designed to analyze the disturbed heart rate and administer shocks accordingly. The device is very easy to use and can be operated by untrained personnel.

Semi-automated external defibrillators- It is similar to that of an AED device except that they can be controlled manually when operated by a trained paramedic. These machines have an ECG display which helps in resuscitation.

Internal defibrillators- These are seen in the operation rooms where they are used to restore heart beat during an open-heart surgery.

Automatic internal cardiac defibrillator (AICD)- It is implanted under the skin in the chest area which constantly monitor the rhythm of the heart.
Learn the life-saving CPR procedures and contribute towards the safety of victims involved in cardiac emergencies.
To join a program, contact CPR Tampa at 727-240-9404.


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