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Difference between Cardiac Arrest and Heart Attack in Tampa

The most life-threatening of all cardiac emergencies are cardiac arrests and heart attacks. A victim involved in such an emergency would require immediate treatment for survival with the most appropriate treatment being proper application of the life-saving Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation procedures.

The procedures comprise chest compressions and rescue breaths. Proper application can restore the life of a victim. For a CPR class Tampa, sign up in an accredited training center such as the AHA certified CPR Tampa in Florida. Certified instructors conduct the classes through a series of audio and video lectures and hands-on practice. Go through the course curriculum prior to signing up for a program as there are courses for both healthcare and non-healthcare providers.

People often think that a heart attack is the same thing as a cardiac arrest which however, is not true. 

Heart Attack or Myocardial Infarction- The heart is a muscle, and like all muscles it requires an oxygen-rich blood supply which is provided to the organ by coronary arteries. An MI occurs when there is a blockage of the coronary arteries which is often caused by a blood clot. Such a blockage, if not quickly resolved, can cause parts of heart muscle to begin to die.

Symptoms of MI:
1.      Chest pain – this is often a feeling of tightness in the center of the chest which may last for several minutes and will not decrease upon resting (although this is the most common symptom, not all patients having will experience chest pain)
2.      Spreading of chest pain to other areas, most commonly to the arms, jaw, neck, back and abdomen
3.      Shortness of breath
4.      Coughing
5.      Wheezing
6.      Feeling or being sick
7.      Anxiety
8.      Light-headedness or dizziness
9.      Sweating
10.  Weakness
11.  Palpitations

Cardiac Arrest- In a cardiac arrest, the ticker actually stops beating in comparison to an MI when the organ normally continues to beat even though the blood supply to the organ is disrupted.

1.      Sudden loss of consciousness/responsiveness
2.      No breathing
3.      No pulse
Some of the warning signs of cardiac arrest are:
1.      Chest pain
2.      Shortness of breath
3.      Weakness
4.      Dizziness
5.      Palpitations
6.      Nausea

1.      Ventricular fibrillation – an abnormal heart rhythm (arrhythmia) where the lower chambers of the organ (the ventricles) beat irregularly. This is the most common cause behind the occurrence of SCA.
2.      Ventricular tachycardia
3.      Coronary heart disease
4.      Changes in the ticker structure
5.      Pacemaker failure
6.      Respiratory arrest
7.      Choking
8.      Drowning
9.      Electrocution
10.  Hypothermia
11.  Dramatic drop in blood pressure
12.  Drug abuse
13.  Excessive alcohol consumption
14.  An unknown reason
SCA can also be caused by a heart attack. An MI itself involves a cut off in the blood supply to part of the cardiac muscle. If a large enough portion of the organ is affected, then the organ may stop beating leading to the occurrence of a cardiac arrest.
MI is generally caused by one main factor- Coronary Heart Disease that is generally caused by buildup of fatty deposits in the coronary arteries, which provide oxygenated blood to the organ. This is also known as atherosclerosis. CHD risk is higher for
1.      Smokers
2.      Those who eat an unhealthy diet – one that is high in saturated fat
3.      Those with high blood pressure
4.      Those with diabetes
5.      Overweight or obese people
6.      People who do not exercise frequently
7.      Older people, in particularly older men
8.      Those with a family history of CHD
9.      People who have been exposed to air pollution, particularly traffic pollution
Contribute towards the safety of victims in out-of-hospitals emergencies by getting CPR certified. At CPR Tampa, you can either register for a course online or call on 727-240-9404.


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