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Things to Know About Coronary Bypass Surgery and CPR Tampa in FL

In coronary or heart bypass surgery, the surgeon uses a blood vessel from the leg, arm or chest to bypass a narrowed section of a coronary artery. The surgery can relieve chest pain. A doctor suggests a bypass operation to individuals who’ve been diagnosed with coronary heart disease or angina- that helps improve the blood supply to your heart muscle which helps to relieve angina symptoms and improve the quality of life.

Bypass Surgery:
The main aim of coronary bypass surgery is to bypass or “get around” the narrowed sections of the coronary arteries that get narrowed when fatty deposits build up on their inner walls. The surgeon grafts a blood vessel between the aorta (the main blood vessel leaving the ticker) and a point along the coronary artery, past the area that’s narrowed. Mostly, at least one of the blood vessels used as a bypass graft is an artery from the chest, known as internal mammary artery. For other grafts, blood vessels like a vein from your legs and sometimes an artery from the arms are used. Two, three or four grafts are more common, often called double, triple or quadruple bypasses.

Surgeons, during the procedure make a cut down the middle of the breastbone to reach the ticker. The breastbone doesn't need to be cut in some operations though, which is called minimally invasive surgery. Cutting the breastbone causes a long wound down the middle of the chest. You’ll also have smaller wounds in places like your leg or arm if you have had a vein graft from your leg or an artery graft from your arm. While the surgeon operates on your ticker, what circulates blood around body is a heart-lung bypass machine, but sometimes surgeons carry out coronary bypass operations without this machine, called beating heart surgery.

After Surgery:
A patient after the operation is moved to intensive care for close monitoring until he/she wakes up. After his/her condition becomes stable, they are moved to the high dependency unit or the cardiac ward.

Benefits and Risks:
People get excellent relief from chest pain (angina) and improved quality of life. The risks of heart bypass surgery vary from person to person, depending on the severity of heart disease, type of operation, age, and current state of health.

The time to fully recover depends on an individual’s fitness, age and how severe the problem was but you are more likely to be out of bed in a day or two and return home after a week, with full recovery after two or three months.

After Going Home:
After a heart bypass operation, a cardiac rehabilitation team member speaks with the patient to give information about his/her condition and the treatment he/she has had. They usually talk about making lifestyle changes and how to reduce your risk factors (the things that increase your risk of cardiovascular disease) to help protect your ticker in the future.

Always remember, surgery isn’t a cure so it’s important to look after the health of your ticker long term.

In the run up to the surgery, you are most likely to be feeling a whole range of emotions. You may feel anxious, afraid, angry, worried about the future or glad that you are about to have treatment which is natural to have. So, talk it out with your partner, a friend, relative or healthcare professional.
AHA certified CPR Tampa offers CPR training courses for healthcare and non-healthcare providers. Sign up for a class and contribute towards the safety of cardiac arrest victims. Call on 727-240-9404 to register for a class. If you cannot find the class day/time that fits your schedule, check out our Tampa location- 5396 Primrose Lake Circle, Conference Room, Tampa, FL- 33647.


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