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Cardiomyopathy Causes You Should Know About

Cardiomyopathy is a disease of the heart muscle that reduces the ability of the ticker to pump blood to the rest of the body by causing the walls of the ticker to become inflamed or enlarged. In some cases, the heart rhythm is affected as well that leads to irregular heartbeats. Its cause isn’t always known, but there are many causes including high blood pressure, alcohol overuse, viral infections, coronary artery disease (CAD) and certain medicines. Often, the exact cause of the muscle disease is hard to find.

Cardiomyopathy differs from many of the other heart disorders in more ways than one, including younger people are equally susceptible to this disorder, the disease is progressive and worsens with time, dilated cardiomyopathy is one of the major reasons for a heart transplant, and cardiomyopathy often is the result of changes in the structure of the ticker over time. This blog aims to discuss some of the most common cardiomyopathy causes, which are as follows:

Cardiac conditions- cardiomyopathy often is a result of a previous heart condition, and may as well be associated with existing cardiac conditions, such as high blood pressure (long term), valve problems and chronic rapid heart rate.

Infections and Diseases- cardiomyopathy may be related to some infection or illness not linked to the heart, such as connective tissue diseases like lupus or rheumatoid arthritis, coronary heart disease connected to high blood cholesterol, muscular dystrophy, viral infections, and endocrine disease like thyroid conditions and diabetes.

Lifestyle factors- lifestyle factors that can lead to cardiomyopathy include diets high in cholesterol, alcohol consumption in excess, and nutritional deficiencies, thiamin in particular. You must work towards keeping these risk factors in check. Adopting healthy lifestyle measures can reduce your risk of developing cardiomyopathy both now and into the future.

Chemotherapy- chemotherapy and other cancer treatments is another leading cause since these treatments are quite intense involving radiation. There’s no doubt that the treatments do kill cancer, but also wreaks havoc on the patient’s otherwise-healthy body, including the most vital organ that is heart.

Family history- the heart disorder often runs in the family that you can’t do much about. But you can get screened for cardiomyopathy. If any of your close family members have had the condition, ask your doctor for a genetic test to find out about your risk. Knowledge about how much you are at a risk of cardiomyopathy will help you plan ahead and avoid other factors that may contribute to your risk of heart disease (the leading cause of death worldwide).

Experts in the medical field are constantly learning more about cardiomyopathy causes, in their effort to come out with better treatments and disease prevention.

The best way to deal with untoward cardiac emergencies is by getting CPR trained at a certified training site. CPR Tampa is one such acclaimed and AHA certified training site in Palm Harbor where both theoretical and practical training in CPR are imparted by AHA certified instructors. To sign up for a class, contact CPR Tampa at 727-240-9404.


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