Recent times have seen nibbling between meals receiving a lot of flak. Contrary to popular belief, snacking can actually be good for your health, especially heart health. Deciding the right way to satiate your hunger when it’s nowhere close to mealtime is tough. However, this article will make it easy for you to take the right decision. Yes, snacking has fallen out of favor with many due to the bad press it has got in the last couple of years. But it can be healthy, in fact heart healthy, when you are choosing nuts (as your snack) like walnuts, hazelnuts and almonds. This article aims to give you a lowdown on the various advantages of having nuts for your overall health. Here they are: Maintain a healthy weight - A handful of nuts (instead of high glycemic index foods like biscuits, chips, cookies that may cause a spike in blood sugar) will cut the need for unhealthy binge eating to satisfy your grumbling stomach. Experts recommend mini-meals interspersed with two or three snacks t...