Recent times have seen nibbling between meals receiving a lot of flak. Contrary to popular belief, snacking can actually be good for your health, especially heart health. Deciding the right way to satiate your hunger when it’s nowhere close to mealtime is tough. However, this article will make it easy for you to take the right decision.
Yes, snacking has fallen out
of favor with many due to the bad press it has got in the last couple of years.
But it can be healthy, in fact heart healthy, when you are choosing nuts (as
your snack) like walnuts, hazelnuts and almonds. This article aims to give you
a lowdown on the various advantages of having nuts for your overall health.
Here they are:
Maintain a healthy weight- A
handful of nuts (instead of high glycemic index foods like biscuits, chips,
cookies that may cause a spike in blood sugar) will cut the need for unhealthy
binge eating to satisfy your grumbling stomach. Experts recommend mini-meals
interspersed with two or three snacks throughout the day instead of three big
Overall health- Snacking
allows you to add a variety of nutrients in your diet. You can do your heart a
ton of good by having a handful of mixed nuts everyday, which allows you to
sneak polyunsaturated fats, protein, fiber, magnesium and calcium into your
body. For example, regular consumption of almonds improves the good HDL
cholesterol while removing the bad LDL cholesterol from the body.
Boosts mood- There is
no doubt in the fact that hunger makes most people angry, which means food (or
lack thereof) has a huge role to play in influencing your mood. Snacking on
nuts is proven to improve mood and focus better, thereby having a positive
ripple effect on your day and your choice of food (help you avoid making bad
food choices). Some studies have also shown the role of healthy snacking in
enabling someone to efficiently deal with anxiety and depression. Hunger causes
release of stress hormones like cortisol to control blood glucose levels,
which, in turn, causes release of inflammatory substances, which is what leads
to the appearance of depression and anxiety symptoms.
Outlining some of the health benefits of Almonds:
source of nutrients including fiber, vitamin E, protein, magnesium, manganese
and healthy fats
Keeps cardiac
diseases at bay by lowering inflammation
the brain against neurological or cognitive issues
cuts risk of cancer
Helps to
keep the heart in very good shape by preventing various heart disease risk
factors, such as high blood pressure, high LDL cholesterol, etc
improves insulin sensitivity (therefore cutting diabetes risk, which is a major
heart disease risk factor)
maintain good gut health
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