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Prioritize Mental Health If You Want To Keep Your Heart Healthy

It is our physical health that always takes precedence over mental health, especially when it comes to our heart health. However, this blog aims to provide you with some eye-opening information to keep your heart in good shape always. There are millions of Americans that suffer from depression- a common mental illness in the USA. According to studies, the risk for heart disease is greater for those suffering from depression. This makes it important that you pay heed to your mental health as much as you do to stay in good shape physically.

There are several things that lead to depression, including genetics, stress, etc. Genetics is beyond your control, but managing stress well is completely in your control. When not coping with stress and anxiety well, you are at a higher risk of developing depression.

Outlining some tips to effectively cope with stress:

1.      Accept that not everything (every event) is in your control, and stop mulling over those that aren’t and move on.

2.      Draw proper boundaries and say ‘no’ to requests that would set off unnecessary stress in your life.

3.      It’s easy to fall prey to substance abuse (cigarettes, alcohol) when you are stressed. This will further worsen the condition instead of making it better. The real winner is who that overcomes their stress without falling prey to such vices that can harm their health.

4.      Set time aside for hobbies and interests, which will divert your mind from any stressful situation. Indeed a great coping mechanism. Also, spend time with your loved ones.

5.      Last, but not the least, seek treatment with a mental health professional with expertise in stress management. This will turn your life around for the better. A listening ear is often all that it takes.

Remember it is completely okay to feel stress or depression. Just don’t bottle your emotions up, share with someone that cares. Meet up with loved ones whenever you can. Invest time in your interests and hobbies in your bid to redirect your attention to something else, which will take your mind off of the thing that is worrying you. Physical activities like jogging, yoga or meditation can help.

Take a trip or vacation to relax. Often a change of environment is all that it takes to feel good and happy. Lastly, have a positive outlook towards life and create a journal. Write down your feelings or things you are grateful for. This will take your mind off worries and in no time will you be back with a bang with renewed zeal and zest for life.

There are no two ways about the fact that the pandemic has taken a toll on each one of our mental well-being in some way. It is important to learn ways to efficiently deal with the mental health challenges post Covid-19.

For training in the lifesaving procedure, sign up for a class at the AHA accredited CPR Tampa in Palm Harbor today. To sign up for a class, contact CPR Tampa at 727-240-9404. Classes are held at 36141 US Highway 19 North, Palm Harbor, FL 34684.


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