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Parents Need To Be Watchful Of MIS-C Syndrome

A lot of discussion happens about Covid, its variants, post-Covid care, however, this blog aims to bring to the fore a not so frequented topic, which is the topic of MIS-C syndrome (multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children) - a post-Covid complication common in children affecting their organs. It’s very important parents have an understanding of the complication, so as to deal with this rare complication (very rare, one in a million) in the best possible manner instead of going into panic mode.

Watch out for the following MIS-C syndrome symptoms:

1.      A long-running fever (not subsiding in a day) (high grade fever)

2.      Appearance of rash on the skin

3.      Vomiting

4.      Difficulty staying awake or feeling excessively drowsy

5.      Enlarged lymph nodes

6.      Red or swollen eyes

7.      Rapid heartbeat

8.      Fast breathing

9.      Red or swollen tongue, lips, hands and feet

10.  Difficulty breathing

11.  Severe abdominal pain

12.  Pressure or pain in the chest that goes on

No matter the number of symptoms, even if there is one or two and your child seems to be under the weather, take action right away meaning report it to your doctor immediately. Parents have to be extremely vigilant, alert enough- for something unusual like your sprightly kid all of a sudden has gone quiet- to get thinking. Your kid could be at the receiving end of this complication even if she/he had a mild Covid, has recovered (the first symptom can begin to show about 3 weeks to 3 months after the kid has undergone the initial Covid infection which you may or may not have recognized due to fever subsiding just in a days’ time so you overlooked), has substantial amount of antibodies.

What exactly causes MIS-C?

Truth be told, the exact cause of MIS-C is yet not clear in terms of whether it typically is just a post-Covid phenomena or can happen to children who have not got Covid. Doctors have treated children that didn’t undergo test or tested negative and were asymptomatic and presented MIS-C. In fact, many children with MIS-C also had antibodies.

Doctors may order a few tests to look for inflammation including blood tests, chest x-ray, echocardiogram (ultrasound of the ticker) and abdominal ultrasound. Doctors may offer supportive care to ease the symptoms and may use a range of medicines to treat inflammation. Kids that become unwell with MIS-C will need to be treated in the hospital, even a pediatric intensive care unit for that matter, to cut any kind of risk.

As per doctors, mostly kids that doctors have treated lately have sort of had it post their Covid recovery. It is important for parents to be on the lookout for the features of MIS-C.

Besides taking the necessary precautionary measures to curb the spread of the virus and to ensure safety at all times, it’s also important that you are trained in certain first aid techniques like the critical CPR, which will help you deal with any untoward cardiac emergency (sudden cardiac arrest) efficiently. Proper application of CPR can revive someone struck with a sudden cardiac arrest. You can undergo CPR training in the hands of AHA certified instructors at CPR Tampa in Palm Harbor. To sign up for a class, contact CPR Tampa on 727-240-9404. Classes are held at 36141 US Highway 19 North, Palm Harbor, FL 34684.


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