We are all aware of the significance of eating healthy and exercising regularly to stay in good shape. But what if we told you it is equally important to sleep in that receiving good quality sleep in the correct way at the right length can lead to an increased lifespan. Sadly, our lifestyles today often come in the way of receiving proper sleep. Most people are sleep-deprived these days. Good quality sleep is also compromised due to the high prevalence of using gadgets like mobile phones and other addictive screens. You may not realize irregular and inadequate sleep can take a heavy toll on your body similar to how eating junk food is, which is so harmful for the body. The impact is far-ranging. It can result in mental health issues, such as anxiety, depression, and physical health problems like heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity, a weak immune system, and memory problems, trouble concentrating and mood swings.
Hopefully, now you can understand how vital getting quality
sleep regularly is. It’s about time you took sleep seriously as a health
benefit. Although the last two years have made people prioritize their health
in view of the fact that those with comorbidities and weakened immunity are the
most susceptible. People indeed started taking control of their lifestyle including
receiving quality sleep to strengthen immunity.
It must be noted that sleep is a necessity. Lack of quality
sleep is a very big heart disease risk factor. For the longest time, we’ve been
stressing heart disease risk factors, such as smoking, high blood pressure,
diabetes, obesity, stress, high levels of LDL “bad” cholesterol. Believe it or
not, a major risk factor of sleep has been completely excluded.
You need to understand that heart is the most important organ
in the body beating every second working multiple hours all through the life.
This necessitates rest for the ticker. This is where getting good quality sleep
comes into the picture. When you sleep at night, the heart rate goes down, the
BP goes down and the ticker gets rest on the path of rejuvenation for the next
day. According to cardiologists, this is a proven mechanism to keep heart
disease at bay.
Those who receive less than 7 hours of sleep are at a greater
risk of heart attacks and dying from it. As per cardiologists,
1. lack of
sleep leads to an increase in weight,
2. inadequate
sleep is known to cause type 2 diabetes and increase in blood pressure,
3. can lead to
inflammation of the arteries and may contribute towards a life-threatening
heart attack.
In those who already have heart disease, irregular sleep can
cause heart attacks and heart failure (HF). Doctors also say that quality of
sleep correlates with high blood pressure at night, which if sees a spike is a
larger predictor of heart disease and deaths from it than BP during the day.
Finally, sleep disorders like obstructive sleep apnea is
associated with abnormal heart rhythms, heart failures, heart attacks and
To sum it all up sleep is just as important (a risk factor)
as smoking, obesity, diabetes, hypertension to keep heart disease from
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