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Relation Between Foods And Heart Disease And A BLS Class In Tampa, FL

Heart disease is one of the greatest causes of fatalities in the USA and as many as 37 percent of all Americans have two or more risk factors for heart attack. Each and every individual should stay prepared in dealing with cardiac emergencies (heart attacks and cardiac arrests) which especially holds true for healthcare providers. Medical students and first-time healthcare providers should definitely enroll for a BLS class Tampa program in order to learn the basic CPR techniques. CPR stands for Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation which comprises of chest compressions and rescue breaths. Proper application of the techniques is the only form of appropriate treatment for victims involved in cardiac emergencies. Healthcare providers should definitely undergo CPR training because you are most likely to face cardiac emergency scenarios more number of times than any other professional. 

For training, always go for an accredited training center such as the AHA accredited CPR Tampa in Florida. There are CPR courses for both healthcare as well as non-healthcare providers. At the end of the training classes a student will be eligible for a certification after successfully passing a written exam and a skills test. 

Basic Life Support Training Classes- This American Heart Association BLS for Healthcare Providers CPR class teaches nursing students, medical students, dental students, firefighters, EMT’S, paramedics, and other healthcare professionals how to identify life-threatening emergencies. The focus of the course teaches how to provide CPR for adults / infants / children, use an automated external defibrillator (AED), and relieve choking in a safe, timely and effective manner. The program fee is $70 at CPR Tampa. 

So let us go back to heart disease and its risk factors. The most common risk factors include obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes to name a few which can be attributed mostly to poor diet practices. Here, we are listing 4 food items which you should absolutely avoid:

Fried Fish- Whenever one discusses about fish, it is mostly about the health benefits which is known to reduce the risk of a heart disease. But it totally depends on how the fish is prepared in order to reap those benefits. Fried fish has no health benefits for that matter. There is a 50 percent greater risk of heart disease associated with deep fried fish. Eat fish at least twice a week but do not deep fry, broil. For the best health results- steam, bake or sauté your fish in a small amount of olive oil.

Processed Meat- There are many healthy options available so staying away from meat that is processed is recommended. In comparison to red meats, they (salami, bologna, sausages and other deli meats contain fat, salt, nitrates, cholesterol and preservatives) have a 42 percent higher heart attack risk. Instead of processed meat, go for turkey, chicken and fish.

Soft Drinks- As per a study which included young adults over a 20 year period, high consumption of sugary drinks had a link with high LDL cholesterol, hypertension and elevated levels of triglycerides. These are all known causes of heart disease. So avoid sugary or soft drinks which will not yield any benefit. The nutritional benefits from diet soda are the same: zero.

Muffins and Donuts- Trans fats is the main culprit over here. This terrible fat is responsible for a minimum 30000 premature deaths in USA every year. These fats are very high in calories which can be attributed to high quantities of sugar and fat along with refined flour. There is no nutritional value that one can get in return. Instead of muffins and donuts, go for other breakfast options which are far more superior. 

Avoiding the above-mentioned food items can help you win your battle against heart disease. To enroll for a BLS class Tampa or any other CPR program at CPR Tampa, feel free to call on 727-240-9404.


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