If you have tested positive for the Coronavirus, what you eat is at the center of your healing and recovery. Foods you consume will help you recover from the disease sooner than you can imagine. This blog aims to discuss just that- guide you about your COVID diet. The pandemic is far from over. This isn’t the time to let your guards down. In fact, this is a time to be extra vigilant to stay in the pink of health in light of the rapid Covid surge and emergence of all the newer variants of the virus.
Watch out for the Coronavirus
symptoms, which include cough, fever or chills, difficulty breathing, loss of
smell or taste, tiredness, vomiting, nasal congestion and headache. You may
experience these symptoms 2-14 days post exposure to the virus. If these
symptoms appear, get yourself tested and follow your doctor’s instructions as
per the results.
Let’s start by first
addressing fever if you are experiencing it.
When we
have fever, we tend to lose our appetite and not feel like eating. When you eat,
the body spends the energy in digesting, but when you don’t eat anything and
are just taking rest, this is the time when the body aids in healing, and this
is what is desired. This is the time to eat whatever your body desires. Experts
recommend increasing intake of fruits
and vegetables during this time, or something on the lighter side like whole and plant-based foods. Doctors
vouch for herbal tea, vegetable juice, smoothie of green leaves and fruits-
some nutritious choices.
about supplements (that should always be taken in consultation with a doctor), vitamin C supplements are a good source
of antioxidants, which can help lower inflammation. Then comes zinc to fight Covid that should be
taken 30 mg – 50 mg during the 14 days of Covid. Get a consult with your
practitioner to start on a good dose of zinc. Last, but not the least is curcumin. Its benefits lie in being a
powerful anti-viral, antioxidant, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal. According to
doctors, 500 mg of Curcumin per day is ideal for mild symptoms and for severe
symptoms (chest congestion, cold), the recommended dose is 500 mg twice a day.
Curcumin can help ease the strong symptoms.
When it
comes to having your meals, it may not be feasible to eat at one go. It is
recommended that you take break between your meals- have food every couple of
hours. Small frequent meals could be toast with peanut butter, followed by a
bowl of yogurt with boiled potatoes, followed by fruits and milk, then a
plateful of rice and lentil (consider light spices when cooking), so on and so
forth. For an attack of nausea, a little chilled milk or ice cube can help
control the nausea and aid in eating and help you overcome fatigue.
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